Rare Books Catalogues & Special Items
Guide to Our Catalogue Descriptions
Catalogue 89: Medicine & the Life Sciences
Catalogue 88: 19th Century French, English and American Trade Bindings, Color Printing and Typography
Catalogue 87: Seven 20th and 21st Century Designer Bindings
Catalogue 86: Fourteen New Acquisitions
Catalogue 85: Archeology & the Classical Tradition, Featuring the Herculaneum Papyri & the Rosetta Stone
Catalogue 84: Classics in the Humanities
Catalogue 83: For the 56th California International Book Fair
Catalogue 82: Classics of Artificial Intelligence & Mathematical Logic
Catalogue 81: Medicine & the Life Sciences—History of Obstetrics and Other (Mostly) Recent Acquisitions
Catalogue 80: Selected Prints by Érik Desmazières Including Unique Painted and Expanded Prints from the “Bibliotheque du Babel” Series and Other Prints that are Book and Archive Related
Catalogue 79: Classics of Science & Technology, Featuring Electricity, Computing & Telecommunications
Catalogue 78: Medicine & the Life Sciences: Recent Acquisitions
Catalogue 77: 20 Century Physics from the Libraries of Henri Becquerel, Owen Chamberlain, Walther Gerlach, Pascual Jordan, H. A. Kramers, Bruno Rossi, Emilio Segre, Arnold Sommerfeld & Gregor Wentzel
Catalogue 76: Rare Medical Books from the Library of Philippe Ricord (1800-1889), Many Inscribed to Him
Catalogue 75: (Mostly) Medicine & the Life Sciences
Catalogue 74: Origins of Electronic Computing & Software
Catalogue 73: Erik Desmazieres, "La Bibliotheque de Babel": The Complete First & Second Suites (1997 & 1998)
Catalogue 72: Medicine, Science, Aerospace, Middle-East and West, with a Collection by James Graham of "The Celestial Bed" Fame
Catalogue 71: Allergy & Immunology
Catalogue 70: Mostly Recent Acquisitions
Catalogue 69: Mostly Recent Acquisitions
Catalogue 68: Mostly Recent Acquisitions
Catalogue 67: Recent Acquisitions of Rare Books & Manuscripts: Medicine, Science, 20th Century Physics, History of Computing
Catalogue 66: Rare Books & Autograph Letters in Medicine & Science Offered for Sale During COVID-19
Prospectus for Sir William Osler: An Encyclopedia
Catalogue 65: Mostly Recent Acquitisions
Catalogue 64: Mostly Medicine
Catalogue 63: Recent Acquisitions in Medicine, Science, Engineering & Computing
Catalogue 62: Mostly Recent Acquisitions on a Variety of Subjects
Catalogue 61: Recent Acquisitions: Medical Illustrations, Manuscripts, Special Copies
Catalogue 60: Science, Medicine & Technology, Including Annotated Books and Small Archives
Catalogue 59: Recent Acquisitions in Science, Medicine & Technology
Catalogue 58: Classics of Science, Medicine & Technology
Catalogue 57: Classics of Science & Medicine, Including Neuroscience
Catalogue 56: Medicine, Science, Technology, Natural History, Ecology, Computing, Book Collecting, Paleography, Art History, Typography, Sinology, Egyptology
Catalogue 55: Classics of Science, Medicine & Computing
Catalogue 54: Classics in Medicine, Science & Computing
Catalogue 53: Classics in Medicine & Science 1473 - 1952
Catalogue 52: Mostly Recent Acquisitions Including Neuroscience
Catalogue 51: Mostly Recent Acquisitions
Fifty Years: Our Fiftieth Catalogue
Catalogue 49: Rare Books, Manuscripts & Autographs in Science & Medicine
Catalogue 48: Rare Books, Manuscripts & Autographs in Science & Medicine
Catalogue 47: Classics in Science, Medicine & Technology
Catalogue 46: Classics in Science, Medicine & the Humanities

Catalogue 45: Mostly New Acquisitions in Science, Medicine & the Humanities
Catalogue 44: Mostly New Acquisitions
Catalogue 43: John & Charles Bell, François Magendie and the Bell-Magendie Law
Catalogue 42: Classics of Science and Medicine, Including Manuscripts in Mathematics and Physics
Catalogue 41: Fifty-Two Rare Books in Science, Medicine and Technology
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