Publications Bibliography

A Bibliography of the Writings of Dr William Harvey 1578–1657

A Bibliography of the Writings of Dr William Harvey 1578–1657 Geoffrey Keynes

xvi, 136pp. 9 plates; 13 text illustrations. Cloth, dust-jacket. ISBN 0-906795-14-7. 1989. NB12373

Third edition, revised by Gweneth Whitteridge & Christine English Revised and updated edition of the standard bibliography of Harvey’s works, with a new introduction and revised census of holdings. For this edition, an entirely new introduction has been written by Dr Gweneth Whitteridge, taking account of the research of the past 30 years, particularly on Harvey’s manuscript works. Editions of Harvey’s works published since 1953 have been added, the details of locations of copies have been updated, and the census of copies of the first edition of De motu cordis has been revised.

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