Publications Bibliography

The Kirtsos Historical Library of Homoeopathic Medicine: An Annotated Bibliographical Catalogue
by William E. and Florence A. Kirtsos
xxiii, 323pp. Cloth, acid-free paper. 11 x 8.5 inches. Indexed. ISBN 978-0-930405-92-2.
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The Kirtsos Library of Homoeopathic Medicine describes the world’s finest private historical library on the history of homeopathy, containing over four thousand rare books, periodicals, letters, manuscripts, ephemera and artifacts dating from the 18th to the mid-20th century, described in 2200 catalogue entries. The product of 45 years of dedicated collecting, the library is especially rich in materials relating to homeopathy’s founder, Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843): It includes 166 Hahnemann listings, encompassing his first publications and all his classic homeopathic works and their translations, as well as numerous autograph letters, portraits and artifacts. In addition, the library contains a wide range of materials on the history and development of homeopathy, including classic works on homeopathic principles, philosophy, therapeutics, materia medica, surgery and veterinary medicine. Early works critical of Hahnemann and homeopathy are also represented.
Designed by noted book designer Jerry Kelly, set in Minion type and extensively illustrated in color, the finely printed catalogue contains 2200 annotated bibliographical listings interspersed with biographical sketches of 46 notable 19th- and 20th-century homeopathic physicians. Also included are a subject index; an index to periodicals, transactions and proceedings; a provenance index; and an index of inscribed copies.
To download the prospectus click here.
“The William Kirtsos Library stands as one of the finest homeopathic libraries in the world. Its representation of Americana is unmatched, having not only complete runs of every significant American homeopathic journal but also a graduation diploma from the most important homeopathic college in history and much other ephemera that shows the role and status of homeopathy in its great American heyday, such as century-old drugstore display cases and postcards offered by homeopathic institutions depicting their buildings and grounds. It is an unbelievable collection that brings the visitor and researcher into the center of an era.”
—Daniel Cook, MD, DHt, Dallas, Texas
“Bill Kirtsos’s labor of love is a catalogue of his fabled homeopathic library—books, journals, letters, and memorabilia—surely the largest private collection in the world, all made available in an impressively bound hard-cover volume, and suitable for reference libraries and bibliophiles alike.”
—Richard Moskowitz, MD, DHt, Jamaica Plains, Massachusetts
“The Kirtsos Historical Library represents a remarkable work of preservation of a treasure of inestimable value for humanity.”
—André Saine, ND, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
"The annotated bibliographical catalogue is designed ornately, in a manner pleasing to the eye, ...
"This catalogue offers the opportunity to get in touch with a unique private collection and library on the history of homoeopathy. It is also an impressive appreciation of the life-long collection activities of William Kirtsos. It is a publication for all those who are interested in the history of homoeopathy especially in the United States and it provides valuable information for unique historical documents and artefacts. It is to be hoped that this library, which documents the history of homoeopathy in the United States probably like no other, will be preserved as a whole for future generations and that it also will be accessible for interested people and for further research."
—Dr. Marion Baschin, Head of Institut für Geschichte der Medizin/Bosch Health Campus, Stuttgart
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